Monday, November 8, 2010

The Fall of Rome (Republic)

We are taught in school the the fall of the Roman Empire is complicated.  According to Edward Gibbon The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the recipe is simple and has been replicated several times.
  1. Great civilization arises.
  2. State encroaches on freedom and demands more power.
  3. People take less responsibility for themselves and want more government hand outs.
  4. Taxes go up to pay for hand outs.
  5. Size of government explodes and economic growth slows.
  6. Government seeks to divert public's attention from what is really going on to "bread and circuses."
  7. Collapse, economic or otherwise ensues.
Does any of this sound familiar to what is going on with America today? Do your own research but I think we are seeing the fall of The Republic.

1 comment:

  1. "Bread and circuses" was to offer entertainment and freebies to keep the people calm and docile. Feed them, distract them, and maybe they won't realize what you've done to them.
