Friday, November 5, 2010

Begins With The Letter N

The Friday My Town Shoot Out! topic this week is Begins with the letter N.  This assignment was way to easy for me.  I would just use a self portrait.  Nicolle starts with the letter N.  However finding a self portrait that I liked and contained decent lighting was another issue.  Other things that begin with the letter N... What about neckties? W doesn't wear neckties.  What else is there?  New starts with a letter N. How about new babies? Where am I going to find a new baby? Then it struck me it was sitting in front of me the whole time November, newspapers start with the letter N.  For more photos of Begins with the letter N check out My Town...Mr.Linky


  1. I wouldn't have even thought of the calendar...go figure ;) Great thoughts and smart photo!

  2. Hi Nicolle, that was a good one. I think we all had trouble with Ns. I spent all day shooting next week's "UP." That was a lot easier. Thanks for stopping by. Read about your W having to be away. Hope things settle back down for you folks.

  3. Good thinking, great photo! That N had me thinking so hard all week, I haven't looked up once.

  4. Excellent choice. I love your photo of the newspaper. I like writing too, but I don't do too much of it on my blog. I'll be your first follower unless of course, you mind.

  5. These days, I read online news, except when I am in school during lunch time.

    Good choice of N.

  6. I'm always the first to read the newspapers in my home, I make sure I woke up earlier than anyone else so I can read the paper quietly. We get them delivered as early as 5.50 am.

  7. welcome to FMTSO! love your choice of N's. I never even thought of a newspaper.
